Tips for Buying at Auction:

6701 Seymour Hwy.
Wichita Falls, TX 76310
(940) 357-0748
When selling items or property at auction, we try to obtain as much information as possible to help you make your purchasing decision. Though we cannot make any guarantees, we take the information from sources we believe to be reliable. If an item is selling with some form of warranty, it will be announced. Otherwise, it will sell “As-Is”.
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to do your own inspections prior to bidding.
There will be a designated time prior to the auction when you can register for a bidder number/buyer number. We encourage you to register as soon as you arrive. To register, you will be asked to provide a picture ID and given a bidder number.
The auction begins promptly at the appointed time with pre-auction announcements summarizing the terms of sale, the methods of bidding, and any last minute changes or disclosures. These comments usually take only a few minutes, concluding with the Auctioneer answering any final questions.
The Bidder Assistants, often known as a ringman, are auction staff members who are positioned among the attendees at the auction. They are there to assist the auctioneer, spot your bid and assist you with information to help you in your buying decision.
You may place a bid by raising your bidder card or hand to get the attention of the auctioneer or Ringman. If you did not intend to bid, simply inform one of the Ringmen or the Auctioneer and the mistake will be corrected. Any tie bids or other issues regarding who has the high bid are always resolved by the Auctioneer, who has complete and final authority.
From the first bid, things move quickly with bidders offering their bids up to the price they are willing to pay. It is not necessary, nor customary, for the Auctioneer to slowly announce, “Going once, going twice, etc.” When it is determined that the final bid has been made, the Auctioneer will identify and congratulate the high bidder. The high bidder simply pays for their items in the Clerk’s Office by the end of the business day, and prior to loading their items.
Each bidder who has won the bid on any items in an auction must pay the balance owed by the conclusion of the auction day. A buyer may not load any items until the balance has been paid in the Clerk’s Office, or arrangements for financing have been provided. For items requiring financing, buyers must provide proof of financing with their lending institution.
Anyone leaving the sale location with purchased property must provide proof of payment in the form of a signed receipt from the Clerk’s Office.
Loading assistance will be available after the conclusion of the sale, and the day after the sale. Pick-up of purchased items at any other time must be scheduled through the Clerk’s Office or by calling (940) 357-0748.